Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Parks Canada Reflection

The mandate of parks Canada founds on their website (http://www.pc.gc.ca/agen/chart/chartr_E.asp) is first to protect "the natural and cultural heritage of our special places and ensure that they remain healthy and whole." Second it is to give access to and "share the beauty and significance of our natural world and to chronicle the human determination and ingenuity which have shaped our nation. " But can Parks Canada meet this dual mandate? I see this mandate as a balancing act the more people you allow access to the parks the harder it is to protect, but if your to protective no one gets to enjoy the natural beauty these parks have to offer. I was at jasper national park a few years back and i observed that when you allow many people access there tends to be some that don't respect or follow proper park conduct. I saw people litter, walk on and degrade areas that were suppose to be off limits to public i even saw parents encourage there children to try to catch and kill the native fauna. i believe for park Canada to achieve there mandate by only allowing guided tours into the areas they are trying to protect. This way people can have access to the parks and the guides can make sure they do not destroy that which they are trying to protect. Wapusk national park because it is fairly isolated and hard to get to has problems with the amount of people it can give access to. Wapusk has a visitor limit and the only way to access it is through authorized commercial tour operators (http://www.pc.gc.ca/eng/pn-np/mb/wapusk/visit/visit1.aspx). If you ramped up these tour guide operations you could allow more people to experience Wapusk and because their on guided tours people will follow the rules of the parks to preserve the environment.

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